Why End Times Prophecy is Important

woman giving a hand

As an evangelistic organization, one of the driving purposes of Treasure Path Ministries is reaching the lost compelled by the imminent return of Jesus Christ. For some, studying apocalyptic literature is a curiosity that never goes beyond that. For others, it is something they expect to come after they’ve passed away. Many people are dismissive of the idea. Then some are passionate about the return of our Savior.

This believer not only keeps his life clean, not only lives a holy life, but labors day and night to reach the lost for Christ. He is a faithful and true witness, following in the steps of His master.

J.O. Grooms, “Soul-Winner’s Blessed Hope”, Introduction.

Jesus described his return to sit on the throne and judge those who follow him and those who do not. In his ministry, Jesus compared his coming to the arrival of a “bridegroom” who finds some bridesmaids eagerly waiting and others unprepared and also as a master who finds two servants diligent to invest what he entrusted to him but a third who had squandered his investment. In both cases, Jesus’ point was clear and he explained, “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh”(Matthew 25:13, KJV).

In our booklet Soul-Winner’s Blessed Hope J.O. Grooms prepared an outline to explain how a passion and anticipation for the Second Coming inspires believers to live a holy life and compel the lost and backsliders to follow Jesus. As with all our scripture memory guides, this booklet is loaded with weekly assignments that have a key thought and supporting scriptures participants learn on their own or with their family or a group in a local church.

End times prophecy is important because it reminds us Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, not only for whether we put our trust in him but how we lived our lives. Did we believe in heaven and hell in a way that we had to convince people to trust Christ? Did we treat our income and career as opportunities to advance his kingdom? Did we invest our time, talent, and treasure to reaching the lost and hurting people around us? He will return, and when he does don’t you want to be on the right side?