From Thanksgiving — here in the US — through New Year, the holidays are a season of gratitude and hope. We begin after harvest season with gratitude to God for all of our blessings, and for our nation. Through the Christmas season, we recognize our friends and loved ones with parties and gifts. At new year, we celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of a new one.
Unlike any other season, the holidays are a time of near universal Joy and Hope. For believers, the opportunity is ripe to share the hope of Jesus Christ with people in our life. Each of these holidays offers us the chance to share the gospel with people in our lives.
Sharing Hope in God’s Provision
Whether your nation celebrates Thanksgiving or not, the end of the year is a great time to reflect on the previous year, and recognize how God has provided for us. November is traditionally a time of bounty when farmers collect the fruit of the field and feast on the bounty. It is also a time of storing up for the upcoming months.
Our hope is not in what God has provided, but that God will provide for us.
As believers we recognize, everything comes from the Lord. We honor him with the first fruits of our labor. We give to those in need. We are careful with what we have so we can bless others and honor God. This is called stewardship. As stewards of God’s creation, we do not put our hope in what he has provided, but we are careful to make the most of every opportunity we have then bless others with the bounty.
Living in dependence upon, and hope in God liberates the believer from the worries of this world. We do not strive to compete for wealth and fame. We do not take advantage of the misery of others for our own selfish gain. We are free to be generous with everything in the hope of leading others to God.
Sharing Hope in God’s Redemption
Worldwide, Christmas is a time of giving and celebrating with the people we love. Even people who do not share our faith in Christ. Enjoy the Christmas season. As believers, we celebrate the coming of God, himself into the world and becoming our redeemer and Savior.
At Christmas we honor the sacrifice of our God who humbled himself and took on the form of man so that he might redeem the world.
While others are giving and receiving physical gifts, we pause to recognize he has given us the ultimate gift: hope of heaven and eternity with him. Our desires and appetites often pull us away from God. Even at Christmas, the traditions of buying and giving gifts or throwing big celebrations can bring us from gratitude. So it is important for the believer to keep in mind the reason for the season, and that is hope in God’s redemption.
Sharing Hope in God’s Restoration
As the year winds down, and the new year approaches, we reflect. For many it is a time of new year resolutions, and breaking old habits. New year is one season where the idea of Hope is nearly universal. Around the world, different cultures, have their traditions to go into the new year with fresh perspective.
Reflecting on the year can also be a time of pain. For many, the end of the year brings regret in things left undone and things we have done. We may end the year with many things left undone or in shambles. We may even run away from the reality of the new year and avoid the season of reflection all together.
While many are celebrating the new year so many people are grieving broken parts of their lives.
For the believer, reflection does not have to end in sorrow. We know our redeemer lives. We know God will make all things new. Therefore, we have hope in God’s restoration of broken relationships, broken dreams, broken hearts, and broken bodies.
Sharing Hope During The Holidays
The holidays are a perfect season for sharing the hope we have in Christ as believers. They are a time to connect with those who are hurting from loss. The holidays are a time to be grateful for God’s provision. The holidays are a time to rest in God’s restoration. The holidays are a time to help in God’s redemption. We are not like people who wander about without hope. We have hope in the one who is creator of all and Lord over all. We can share this good news and share hope during the holidays.